What Type of Training Do HVAC Technicians Receive for Installing UV Lights?

HVAC repair technicians must go through rigorous training and certification courses to be considered qualified to manage heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. To obtain NATE certification, technicians must demonstrate a deep understanding of subject-specific topics, technical skills, and practical skills. The certification process requires passing a general HVAC knowledge test and at least one specialized installation or service exam. NATE certifications are awarded in areas such as air conditioning, gas or oil heating, air distribution, air-to-air heat pumps, geothermal heat pumps, and the efficiency of air conditioning systems. Installing UV lights in your air conditioning system is an effective way to disinfect vulnerable edges and slots and prevent contaminants from circulating around your home.

Only a professional HVAC technician can and should install your air conditioning and heating system. In addition to air purifiers, another way to improve indoor air quality is to install HVAC UV lamps. These lamps can eliminate mold and mildew, kill viruses and bacteria, and reduce odors, all of which will improve indoor air quality. For UV light to work its magic, it must be properly installed in the air conditioning system (and UV lights can damage your eyes if you're not careful). Niels Ryberg Finsen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1903 for his work on the use of UV radiation to cure skin infections.

Any HVAC technician or company you work with must be properly licensed by state or local agencies. Germicidal UV lights for air conditioning systems are special ultraviolet lights that kill or deactivate viruses, bacteria, mold, and other airborne pathogens. It is recommended to replace a UV carrier coil lamp every 9000 operating hours or every year. A study showed that air purifiers with UV light could reduce the amount of airborne flu virus by 90%. When you hire an HVAC technician for your residential or commercial project, you want to make sure that the person who will be working on your HVAC equipment is trained and has the necessary knowledge. HVAC technicians who regularly handle refrigerants in HVAC systems must be 608 certified by the Environmental Protection Agency.

If you're interested in installing UV lights in your home, let the experts at Jacobs Heating & guide you. Switching to a UV light system will improve the energy efficiency of your air conditioning system and reduce your energy costs. Your HVAC unit consists of several components, each of which has to perform a precise operation. If you're concerned about indoor air quality, installing a UV light system is an excellent way to improve it while also saving money on energy costs. When it comes to installing UV lights in an HVAC system, it's important that technicians have the right training and certification. To ensure that they are qualified to install these lights safely and correctly, technicians must have NATE certification as well as EPA 608 certification.

They must also have a deep understanding of subject-specific topics related to HVAC systems as well as technical and practical skills related to installation and service exams. Installing a UV light system can help improve indoor air quality while also reducing energy costs. It's important that only qualified technicians handle this type of installation as it requires specialized knowledge and skills. By ensuring that your technician has the necessary training and certification, you can rest assured that your UV light system will be installed correctly.

Jared Whitesinger
Jared Whitesinger

Infuriatingly humble music evangelist. Incurable tv scholar. Hipster-friendly food buff. Subtly charming twitter scholar. Wannabe zombie evangelist.