Are UV Lights Worth It for HVAC Systems? - A Comprehensive Guide

With a more efficient unit, you'll spend less money on repairs and maintenance. That's why UV disinfectant lights can be a useful addition to any home with a central climate system. Whether you want to maximize the efficiency of your air conditioning system or keep the effects of allergens away, a UV lamp is a smart long-term investment. UV lights are the best way to keep the air you breathe safe.

They are inexpensive, efficient, and easy to maintain, making them a no-brainer for anyone with a home air conditioning system. For example, the Lennox germicidal lamp with UV filter uses ultraviolet radiation to remove harmful microorganisms from the air; the term “germicidal” refers to its ability to kill microorganisms and the term “lamp” refers to the light fixture used to do so. UV lights are capable of killing 97 percent of bacteria, even those resistant to antibiotics, and can also kill viruses and mold.


light systems use a special type of high-frequency, low-wavelength UV light called UV-C to destroy the nucleic acids that form the DNA of harmful bacteria found in the air and to disinfect the air as it passes through the system. Installing an HVAC UV lamp benefits everyone in your household, especially people with allergies and respiratory problems.

Mounting UV lights to all ducts in the system will require more work and is not recommended. HVAC UV lights are also good for limiting mold growth throughout the HVAC system and preventing certain respiratory diseases. Since UV lights only kill germs when the device is turned on, turn on the system for a few hours after installation. The cost of installing UV lights in an HVAC system depends on the type of lights you choose and whether or not an HVAC professional installs them. If you're thinking of adding UV lights to your air conditioning system, there are only two types to choose from.

A final benefit of installing UV-C lamps in your air conditioning system is that they also destroy volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which cause unpleasant odors reminiscent of tobacco smoke. In areas that are particularly prone to the growth of mold and bacteria, such as areas with high humidity, UV light units are a very simple option for your air conditioning system. UV light has germicidal properties, making it ideal for disinfecting air as it passes through the air conditioning system. UV bulbs work less effectively when they're covered in dust, so you'll have to clean them quite often to make sure this doesn't happen, about once every two months and possibly longer if you live in a particularly dusty place. Ultraviolet light causes a reaction between thymine molecules, which is one of the structural units that make up DNA. This means that when the boiler or central air conditioning system blows air through the house, the UV light will turn on when there is no air circulating and the light will turn off to save energy. Are you considering adding UV lights to your HVAC system? If so, you're making a wise decision.

Not only do these lights help keep your home's air clean and free from allergens and other harmful microorganisms, but they also help reduce energy costs by turning off when there is no airflow. Installing an HVAC UV lamp is relatively easy and cost-effective; however, it's important to remember that these lamps need regular cleaning in order for them to be effective.

Jared Whitesinger
Jared Whitesinger

Infuriatingly humble music evangelist. Incurable tv scholar. Hipster-friendly food buff. Subtly charming twitter scholar. Wannabe zombie evangelist.