Should I Install a UV Light in My HVAC System? - An Expert's Perspective

Viruses, mold spores, and airborne bacteria are all around us, but they can thrive in the sensitive areas deep in the air conditioning system that tend to get damp. Installing UV lights in your air conditioning system can help disinfect vulnerable edges and slots, preventing contaminants from circulating throughout your home. Ultraviolet lights are an upgrade to the air conditioning system that can help combat allergies and improve air quality. You can install them inside your boiler, air conditioner, heat pump, or ducts to kill bacteria, mold, allergens, and other germs before they enter your home and lungs.

This means that when the boiler or central air conditioning system blows air through the house, the UV light will turn on when there is no air circulating and the light will turn off to save energy. Unfortunately, this is the main reason why the UV lights in your air conditioning system will most likely not help prevent the spread of COVID-19. To ensure that the UV lights are working properly, run the system for a few hours after installation. It is important to note that you should never look directly at a UV lamp; even brief exposure to UV light can cause permanent eye damage. We recommend that you add a reminder to replace the UV lamp to the list of maintenance tasks for your Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system, so you don't forget it. By installing UV lights in your air conditioning system, you can limit or prevent disease transmission in your home.

The last point to consider is that UV bulbs don't even get installed in ducts most of the time. Most HVAC UV lamps are designed to be able to draw power from the fan, so that they only work when the air controller is turned on. Mounting UV lights to all ducts in the system will require more work and is not recommended. You may have heard that UV filtration in the air conditioning system is the ultimate technology for purifying the air, how it can protect you and your loved ones, reduce allergies, and help prevent you from getting sick. The metal used in most ducts in air conditioning systems is resistant to damage caused by UV rays and does not wear out or become brittle over time, as is the case with plastic or other composite materials.

Since germicidal UV light will most likely be installed in the air controller, you won't have to worry about it affecting vulnerable plastic components. Installing UV lights in your air conditioning system is simple, although most people should let a professional do it. However, installing an HVAC UV air purifier could be a proactive step for those who live in humid climates. To ensure that your UV light is working properly, turn off the air conditioning system every three months, remove the lamp and wipe the UV bulb with a soft cloth. As an expert on HVAC systems and indoor air quality, I highly recommend installing a UV light in your HVAC system if you live in an area with high humidity levels or if you suffer from allergies or asthma. The installation process is relatively simple and straightforward and can be done by a professional technician.

Once installed, these lights will help reduce airborne contaminants such as bacteria, mold spores, allergens, and other germs before they enter your home and lungs. Additionally, they will help reduce odors caused by bacteria buildup inside your HVAC system. It's important to remember that while installing a UV light in your HVAC system can help reduce airborne contaminants and improve indoor air quality, it won't necessarily prevent COVID-19 transmission. To ensure that your HVAC system is running optimally with its new addition of a UV light, make sure to run it for a few hours after installation and add a reminder to replace the lamp every three months.

Jared Whitesinger
Jared Whitesinger

Infuriatingly humble music evangelist. Incurable tv scholar. Hipster-friendly food buff. Subtly charming twitter scholar. Wannabe zombie evangelist.